Wednesday, 30 April 2014


So the basic positioning of the buildings and look of the city is established so its now just down to modelling the city. At this stage I was in charge of putting it all together and deciding which buildings were put where as well as doing a couple more concepts. Toby and Oly modelled all the buildings and Lydia was doing concepts that the tow guys could use for reference.

The city soon got built up very quickly as we could duplicate buildings and place in different places.
here it is the look of the city so far and where the buildings would be and so on. I was pleased with the look of it at this point and really enjoyed putting it all together.

The next stage was to figure out how we where going to do the texturing as there was so much to do in so little time. We had came across the technique of projection mapping where we could do one texture/painting and projected it straight onto the surface of the building, saving us the hassle of uv unwrapping. So I had a go at this and learnt how to technically do it and see if it would be quicker and easier than using uv unwrapping.


I found this a really interesting process and was much quicker once I learnt technically how to do it. me and lydia where more comfortable doing the texturing this was as it was more like creating a concept and was easy to see what was what as a posed to uvs where sometimes it can be confusing. So two of us textured the buildings this way and two of us uv unwrapped the buildings and done them that way.

We found that with projection mapping some parts of the buildings get missed out so we decided to use projection on the buildings that where more straight on to the camera and uvs for the more complex buildings where you see more faces of things. 

here is the city so far with a few of the textures in place.

Sunday, 13 April 2014


The Deep project has come along nicely and we have started to put together more concepts and finally came up with a plan for how the styles of buildings are going to come together and work as one city.

I created a very rough concept of buildings in the format of how are camera would pan down the different levels to give the group an idea of how it could all piece together without it looking odd.

And some more concepts I did for the top desert level and a couple of buildings.

i had really enjoyed doing these concepts and made me want to sit down and spend a long time on one to make it look really good but with the amount of work I had for different projects i stopped myself and got on with other concepts.

The next thing was to create the bulk of the city so we knew how it would all look with the positioning of the buildings so Oly modelled this basic composition of buildings which i adapted a bit just to re position some of the buildings. 


Thursday, 10 April 2014

The Headless Man

So my pre production idea of the Headless man has changed allot over the past few weeks. I am still keeping with the idea of this man being the only person in the world born with the issue of his head and body being apart. but have developed the idea that the head and the body are two separate characters with two separate personalities. 

He is the only person in the world to be born with their head detached from their body, but the head and the body have two separate personalities, desires and attitudes. They never get on with each other but need each other to do everyday tasks. How will they learn to live with each other and become one person?

I wanted to make the main focus of the story just about the head and the body, and how they don't get on. 

  The Head

The logical and smart one, although very lazy. He is very shy, bounces rolls and drags himself about but needs the body in order to carry out many everyday tasks. He likes to think that he can manage without the body and despises the body because of his clumsiness and stupidity. But he still makes an effort to work with the body.

The Body

The body is the outgoing, energetic and enthusiastic one who is always on his feet. But is very clumsy as he doesn't have the sense on sight although he can hear. He is always knocking into things and hurting himself so he needs the head to help him see where he is going but doesn't’ like to admit it.