Saturday, 29 March 2014

3rd year film idea

So its time to start thinking of film ideas for are major 3rd year films. I have come up with the idea of this one person that is born into the world with the issue that his head keeps falling of so his body and head can be pulled apart but he still remains alive. I want the main focus of the film to be on this character and his life with all the problems that he may face. Being inspired by the film Surfs up and the creature comforts series i have chosen to base my film around a documentary style where there will be interviews of members that have been involved with this character and his problems.

Creature comforts

For example at the start I am thinking of having the birth of the character and then it could cut to interviews of the doctors and nurses who where involved and they would tell their thoughts on the birth.

I don't want the whole film to be interviews as i feel like it would take the focus away from the headless characters feelings and will make it hard for the viewer to sympathise with this character so I still want the main focus to be from the headless characters point of view. Or at least have a back story to it.

Any way I have been brainstorming ideas for characters and really like the idea of having the characters heads shaped very rectangular but to have the headless characters head more rounded to emphasize the difference in this character. I had done a few sketches but found it allot easier to go straight into 3D and sculpt it to see what it would look like, although im still not sure whether its going to be 2D or 3D.


Sunday, 23 March 2014

Deep project Concepts

Just a few more concepts of different parts of are city that we are going to create for the deep project.

Drawing Challenge

Becoming more used to using software such as Photoshop I feel like I spend too much of my time on the computer so I have set myself a drawing challenge. Over Christmas I received this hand made sketchbook and thought its time to start filling it. 

The drawing challenge I have set for myself is to do at least two drawings a week of whatever i want with whatever i have at the time to draw with, i will date each drawing so i can see my progress and hopefully when the book is full it will be a bible of all my random drawings. 

Here are the first few drawings I have done.

Friday, 14 March 2014

3D Texturing

Recently I Have Been getting into doing a lot more texturing on 3d objects for the third year films. I have been working on (a light from the dark) a short film about a girl being chased by a monster. Although i don't feel like this is a great project, the work i have done on this project has taught me allot. For this project the texturing is being done through the use of uvs.

These were painted in Photoshop so it was very quick to get the detail and texture of the material in but was more awkward to read and understand what parts of the uvs where where on the 3D character.

after getting used to it and the layout of the uvs i found myself putting them onto the 3d model to check how it would look. Then it was a case of going back a forth the 3d model and the Photoshop textures to get specific parts to look right. But this is what the textures on the 3d girl character look like so far.

I have Also been working on the thrd year film ( Heart Of the Tree) which is a short film about a hare, hiyena and a magical tree. The story is about greed and friendship, Working on this project has been a great experience so far  and i look forward to doing more texturing for it.

I Have been given the task of texturing the two main characters,the hare and the hyena.These textures where created using ptex in mudbox. A method which allows the texture artist to paint straight onto the 3d object without the use of uvs. Also the style of textur that the film is going for is more painterly and in a similar style to Meet Buck.


Here is the Final Textured hare i completed using mudbox and trying to keep to that painterly look.