Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Funny in 15 project


we decided to make things quicker to do the animation in 2D as it was only a short 15 second animation. we sorted out a system of having Bradley do the main key frames to get the timing right and then me and Charlotte would go over with the more characterised animation and do the in-between. i had the skinny guy in a suit character and Charlotte had the sumo wrestler. we decided to only have one person animating each character to keep the style consistent throughout.

I started with a rough character design to make it allot easier to animate .

I didn't really think about this character much other than i knew i wanted it to be very simple and the fact that he would be lifting a sumo i thought it might be nice to make him look really weak with long flimsy limbs and large clown type feet.

first I did the rough animation just trying to get the type of walk correct with the right pace and trying to get the character across in it.


I next added more detail and filled in the gaps.

finally i added facial expression and small things like the movement of the tie and briefcase.



shot 2 was more of a close up facial expression of the character saying "huu" just for 1 second.

again first i put the rough animation in.

and the final animation with colour and more subtle movements.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Funny in 15 project

The funny in 15 project, the aim to create a funny animation that last 15 seconds.
so far i have been really happy with my group and how we are working together and just thought i would do an update on my contribution and progress within the group.


One of the backgrounds was from the side and here is the progression from my first rough concept to the finished thing.

This first one was to get a rough idea of what the background could look like.

After showing Charlotte and Bradley, my other group members and seeing what they think we came to the conclusion of it needing to be longer to fit in the animation and to have more freedom to add different camera moves.

also to add a pin board to the hall way just to break up the amount of doors involved.

next i added colour to the original design and again got feedback from the group and we decided to add another board to spread things out further so it would give more focus onto the characters when they are added into the scene.

finally i added extra ligting and detail, i also changed the colour of the doors to draw attention away from them so again the focus would be more on the characters.

The second background was allot easier to do after coming up with colour scheme and design that the group had all agreed on.

 This background was all about trying to get the perspective and camera angle right from the original intention from the animatic.

Again i finished off with the same colour scheme and some lighting.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

start of term and digital painting

I have been a bit lazy with my blog posts and this is my first post for the start of my second year. Its soo good to be back and im so happy to be doing the stuff that i really enjoy and focusing more on the design stage of animation :) so far the work has just been all about story telling, creating story board and animatics.

The third year pitches are coming up and i was asked to do a quick concept piece for Alex Watkins, one of the third years who will be pitching his idea.

I wasnt really happy with this concept mainly because of the style and its not what i would normally go for but on the other hand its the style that alex wanted and im glad that it fitted with the idea he had in his head. over all i was pleased with the outcome considering i only had a limited amount of time to complete it.

These next three pieces are for are funny in 15 animation, two quick background and a character design just to get an idea of what things will look like. The funny in 15 task was to be put into groups of 3 and we had to come up with a 15 second funny animation that would be completed in 5 weeks. at first i wasn't too sure about the group i had been put with but after getting to know them more im happy that they are both hard working and talented people.