Here is my showreel containing a selection of my work that i have done over this first semester on the digital animation course at Falmouth University.
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Showreel, first semester
Here is my showreel containing a selection of my work that i have done over this first semester on the digital animation course at Falmouth University.
out of scale concept drawings
Here are three of my concept peices for the out of scale drawing project that we where set to do.
This was a quick one based on the idea of having the world in the palm of your hands
This concept piece really came out of my passion for portraiture, and this was also based on a similar style to that of Alice in wonderland with the out of scale aspect of a small person in the palm of a giant.
Here i decided to digitally paint this piece in photoshop purely because i wanted to use a different medium to pencil. The original inspiration came from the idea of Gulliver's travels.
This is the final outcome of my animatic from the story board of ranger rick's adventured. Although i wasn't to keen on doing the story board its self, i did enjoy putting this together.
Lip sync
This animation was all about getting us to animate to a sound track and getting the actions right, but also to do the lip sync on the character.
I loved doing this animation to the sound track as i found it easier to get the movements right and overall with the lip sync, facial animation and audio it feel that the character has life to it.
This task was very similar to the pushing task but this time we had to make the character lift an object, i chose to have the object on the table and to make it heavy, purely so the animation would look a bit more interesting. I enjoyed this task better than the pushing task because i felt it was easier to put more life into the character when having it do this lifting action.
overall i was pleased with the animation and after doing it i have learnt how to do constraints. looking back on it i felt that there are still areas that could of been improved. mainly the end when the character tries to throw the object.
For this task we had to animate the character pushing an object, when doing this animation i found that there was allot more to think about than i expected as there is allot of body movement and expression involved when pushing an object. I also found the task useful as it taught me how to use fk and ik.
overall i was happy with the animation but feel that there are aspects that could be improved on, for example the timing and maybe some smoother movements.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Drawing Project
After looking back on artists work it made me realise how important it is to me to keep a collection of artist work that inspire me and also old work that i have done in the past. I find its always a great starting point when starting a new project even if the work isn't relevant.
This is a drawing i did far a project in the past on expression and emotions through portraiture. It doesn't have anything to do with the out of scale project but i love doing portraits and i particularly liked this piece because it was done with Biro rather than the traditional pencil. The main inspiration for this piece was from the artist Juan Francisco Casas.

This piece, again an old piece of work, was a quick digital painting on Photoshop of a scene from the film Saving Private Ryan that i did for a different project. This bit of work caught my eye because i loved doing this on Photoshop and definitely want to use digital drawing/painting in the out of scale project.

This piece, again an old piece of work, was a quick digital painting on Photoshop of a scene from the film Saving Private Ryan that i did for a different project. This bit of work caught my eye because i loved doing this on Photoshop and definitely want to use digital drawing/painting in the out of scale project.
These next set of drawings are sketches that i did randomly, of different things that i could potentially use in my final concept pieces.
Drawing Project
When starting the out of scale project i had no idea what i wanted to do, the style or what to draw.
so i started of by looking back at artists i had already looked at in the past and came across a few that i forgot about and who's work i love.
so i started of by looking back at artists i had already looked at in the past and came across a few that i forgot about and who's work i love.
I came across this photographer that i used as reference, as i was doing a very similar project at A- level. Even though it is photography, it fits perfectly with the idea of things out of scale so i looked back on his work to get some ideas.
I like his work mainly because of the idea of having these small people roaming the streets and. i love how he has used random things and created a scenario with the miniature characters.
Heinrich Kley Drawing Project
Heinrich Kley
We where give this drawing task of things out of scale and the work of Henrich kley as a starting point to hopefully inspire us. After looking at his work i understood the task of the project a lot more.
His drawings seem as if they are done in very little time with a scruffy look to them and this was the main thing that i loved about his work. not so much the concept of small people or things out of scale but the style of his drawings.
looking more at the style of his, to me it almoast looks like most of his stuff was just thought up as he was drawing. as if he didnt have a plan to what he was drawing.
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